Steam Joints

SS Steam Service Rotary Joint

The EULER SS Steam Rotary Joint is a flexible design offered in monoflow, duoflow fixed pipe and duoflow rotating pipe models. This Joint offers superior performance for industries such as plastics, rubber, paper, roofing products, textile, to name just a few.



  • Antimony Impregnated Seals and Bushings provide 3X the life of standard seals and bearings.
  • Hardened sleeve is QPQ treated for extreme wear and corrosion resistance.
  • Convex seal is self-aligning and under compression for greater strength and shock resistance.
  • Antimony Impregnated Carbon Bushings are under compression and widely spaced. Provides improved support of the joint and siphon pipe.
  • A Seal life Indicator allows preventive maintenance and easy repair with an inexpensive repair kit.
  • Additional port allows installing instrumentation.
IMG 2130 2
MediaProductsSize RangeMax PressureMax Temperature
Steam SS MonoFlow Rotary Joint 1/2" - 1-1/2" 250 17.2 406 208
2" - 3" 225 15.5
SS DuoFlow Fixed Siphon Rotary Joint 1/2” - 1-1/2” 250 17.2 406 208
2" - 3" 225 15.5
SS DuoFlow Rotating Siphon Rotary Joint 1/2” - 1-1/2” 250 17.2 406 208
2" - 3" 225 15.5